Environment Design/Showreel 2024
“On The Road” (Animation Short)
“The Last Poem Dedicated to the City” (Artbook)
“Other Works” (Architecture)
“On The Road” (Animation Short)
“The Last Poem Dedicated to the City” (Artbook)
“Other Works” (Architecture)
“Elsewhere,” (Landscape)
“CYUN 23SS Editorial” (Fashion Editorial)
Film/Showreel 2024
“MACBA” (Documentary Short)
“James Simon Gallery” (Documentary Short)
“Elsewhere,” (Landscape)
“CYUN 23SS Editorial” (Fashion Editorial)
Film/Showreel 2024
“MACBA” (Documentary Short)
“James Simon Gallery” (Documentary Short)
“At the age of seventeen, I embarked on a journey to discover a life of my own, entranced by unfamiliar sights yet haunted by memories of home. As I grasped that my quest would become a lifelong odyssey, my hometown transformed into an irretrievable past...”
The Last Poem Dedicated to the City
An artbook composed of real photographs and digital artworks
About this Work
“For us, what is the city today? I think I have written a kind of thing, when it is increasingly difficult to live in the city as a city, like a last love poem dedicated to the city...”
- Italo Calvino
“In the years of exploring the world, occasionally in the company of others but mostly in solitary contemplation. Being away from these places paints memories with soft hues, making even painful recollections precious. Elsewhere, this is my twenties.”
CYUN 23SS Editorial
About this Work
“The CYUN S/S23 collection draws inspiration from the Flower Monster legend, symbolizing the brand's circular life concept. Designed by Chuanlin Lin, it blends traditional Chinese culture with a modern aesthetic for a unique and timeless fashion experience.”
El Raval, Barcelona, Spain
Jacee Tong, Yuyan Zhang, Xiangyi Zhu, Rubin Zhou
Equipments: Fujifilm X-T20, Fujifilm X-T30, Sony a6000
Software: Adobe Premiere
About this Work
“The interior of Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA) welcomes visitors with ample light in the atrium, fostering chats, discussions, and classes. As you walk on the ramps, you experience dramatic light and shadow changes, showcasing the space's vitality, both inside and outside the architecture. An interview with a skater in the second half highlights how the architecture revitalizes El Raval by providing a perfect skateboard platform in the plaza for young residents. ”